The Art of Being Alone, Blissfully

The Art of Being Alone


During the time of COVID and forced isolation, many of you were required to reconnect with how to be by yourself and be content, if not happy, and certainly not blissfully.  Why not be happy and in bliss?  I have given this quite a bit of deliberate thought.

When in a situation I have no control over, my thoughts go to what I can do to gain from this experience that will improve my life on the other side of it.

Being alone is the perfect time to have some good old fashion conversation with yourself.  Do you think having a chat with yourself makes you crazy?  If so, everyone on the planet is afflicted with insanity.  We all engage in self-talk, all of our waking hours.  Most of the time it is the same insane thoughts you had yesterday, last week, and last year—time for a fresh new talk.

For me, I answer out loud, now don’t laugh…when having an honest conversation with yourself you need to answer an affirmative or negative, so you can really hear it.

Now is the time to ask yourself some serious questions.  Open up and reveal to yourself your innermost secrets and desires.  Bring them out into the open and massage them.

Is there something wrong with falling in love with yourself and enjoying your company?  When you like yourself, you enjoy being alone.  Actually, even though you may be among friends, family, or a room full of strangers, you are always alone.

Being alone is a good time to get new ideas for what you want the rest of your life to look like.  Do this work and be happy and blissful.  Your bliss affects those around you positively.

Write a new self-talk script.  Write them in the present and affirmative.

Examples are:

·      I am a loving person

·      I am healthy

·      I weigh_________

·      I am attractive

·      I have an abundance of good friends

·      I am a good friend to others

·      I support my friends and they support me

See this article on affirmations for more understanding and ideas as well.

“If we can’t find happiness within ourselves, we will not find it elsewhere.”  Harriette Blye

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