Thank You

Thank you, really

This short article is filled with questions that only you can answer.

Thank you, thanks, thank you so much.  Are thank you a few words your mother taught you to say when you experience a kindness from another person?  Is it perfunctory?  What do those words really mean to you?

Do you agree when we say thank you, it is an expression of gratitude that says we are receiving something of value?

Those who get paid to serve us, a nurse, a waiter, or parking attendant, may not expect gratitude however, it is sweet music to their ears when they hear it.

I worked in the medical field for many years, and I know firsthand the exceptional care a patients receives when gratitude is expressed.

A friend once told me, she did not want to give a gift personally because; she did not want the receiver to feel obligated to express appreciation.

That statement actually got my attention and sparked the writing of this article. I love to receive appreciation; I enjoy seeing the receiver get exquisite pleasure from my gift. Is this odd behavior for me?

I also think people should express gratitude and appreciation when someone thinks about them and honors them with a gift, small or big, inexpensive or rich.

It represents a thought from another.  To have another person give thought to you is such generosity.  This is something we cannot buy.

Actually, I get irritated with my grandchildren when they forget to say thank you when I give them something of value.  For me saying thank you is like saying a little prayer each time I utter those words.  How is it for you?

When a waitress brings to you a cup of coffee or when a dear friend gives you a special gift, take a moment and cherish the gift with a heartfelt and sincere thank you.

How does it feel?  Do you take a few seconds to connect with the person and teach your body the feeling of gratitude and appreciation?

“Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. “Dr. Joe Dispenza


I have seen Dr. Joe speak and what he means is this: if we want to receive more we have to be in the state of thankfulness

There are many ways to say thank you, a note or card, a phone call, a text, an email and personally.

Make it a part of your daily life and watch magic happens.

Honor yourself!

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