Overwhelm Will Break You

Overwhelming is an important topic because there is a fine line between being overwhelmed and hopeless. 

There are two types of overwhelm I understand. The first one is to have to many demands from family, friends, work, relationships, personal obligations, and external circumstances. 

You know if one more thing is added to your plate, you will break. 

The other type of overwhelm is you have a big project. It may be a project you would like to complete. 

You need help discovering how to start, where to start, and furthermore is this a good project for you to begin? Total overwhelm and hopelessness. 

The feeling of being overwhelmed CAN be difficult to overcome and can have a lasting effect on your life.

When it gets to a point where it impairs your decision-making, and affects your ability to take action, there is a problem. 

How can you protect yourself when feeling overwhelmed? Let’s examine a few tools you can use when you are overwhelmed.

Self Care

I have written about taking care of yourself with compassion in many articles. At the first sign of stress, overload or feeling swamped allow your self-care regime to take over. 

This includes lots of sleep. Self-care will keep your coping skills sharp, and help you remain balanced and centered. 

Say No For Your Best Interest

Yes, it can be as easy as that. You may take on more than you have time to handle because you don’t want to let someone down. You must learn to say no. 

Saying no is best for both parties. For you, it diminishes your stress, and the other party is not getting a resentful participant. 


When you are conscious of taking one breath then another you are present, and not concerned with your anxieties of overwhelm. 

When you are overwhelmed your stress hormones are activated. Your heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and muscle tension are increased. 

If you are in a stressful state, check out box breathing. It is very effective and used by the United States Navy and so many other organizations. 

Slow Down- Pause and Be Intentional About The End Result

When you are overwhelmed it is natural to feel as if you are running out of time. Let’s face it. Most projects take more time than we think. 

Slow down – be smart, and deliberate about time. Make sure time is in your favor, and it supports you in what you are doing. Be devoted and, intentional to one thing at a time. Focus on that. 

Get Help-How-Who-What

What can you offload to someone else? When in overwhelm ask for help. Don’t try to do it all yourself and go it alone. Get some help. 

  • Hire a helper
  • Watch a (how Youtube Video)
  • Hire a coach
  • Take a class
  • Talk to a friend
  • Read a (how to book)
  • Talk to a doctor

Take a Social Media Break

In the digital age we live in it is so easy to become overloaded. Take a break regularly from all devices, screens, social media, and phone calls. 

Being a slave to your devices is stressful. If you are deeply connected to the digital world disconnecting may be difficult. However, in time you will feel more relaxed.


Lastly, What exactly is surrender? Surrender is giving the situation up completely. It could mean walking away, closing the door, detaching totally from the outcome, and for some turning everything over to God. 

A great act of strength, and character is the willingness to let go of your need to control everything. 

I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go.” — Abraham Lincoln

Some say feeling overwhelmed with life is normal. I say no. It’s not normal. Use the tools in this article to help overcome the feelings, and stress of overwhelm and focus on living a happy, and contented life.  
Don’t let overwhelm become hopelessness. There is a fine line between these emotions. Be aware.

Join us on this journey and “Rise To Joy” with us.  As always, let us know what you think. Subscribe below.

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