Master Cleanse Day 4

What is the Master Cleanse: The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemon Cleanse and the Maple Syrup Diet, is a body and mind detoxification program created by alternative medicine performer Stanley Burroughs in 1941.


The Master Cleanse is a way to cleanse the body of and remove the cravings associated with drugs, coffee, teas, and cigarettes. The cleanse involves drinking only a concoction made from fresh lemons, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper, as well as a laxative tea.


No solid food is eaten for the entire cleanse. According to proponents it is recommended to be on the cleanse for a minimum of ten days, but some people stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time.


Four days ago I started the Master Cleanse for my 5th time. I do the cleanse to maintain my good health and well-being. I have encountered a few challenges this time.


I usually do the cleanse 2 times a year and it has been a year since I did the cleanse last.


My first challenge was a huge, gorilla type headache the first two days. This is a result of caffeine with-drawl. I love my coffee and tea. The evening of day two I gave in and took 2 Tylenols and slept for 10 hours. I awaken without a headache. Wonderful!


Next my lower back begins to hurt and I wonder, “what is this!” The pain was manageable so I disregarded it. It passed. For a full day my hips were hurting, I thought this is strange. It passed as well. I call these problems healing crisis, my body detoxifying and healing itself.  I love my miraculous body.


I decided to use unsulphured blackstrap molasses instead of grade B maple syrup. All I can say is YUK! I ran to the health food store for grade B maple syrup.


At the end of day 4 I am feeling good


I was really hungry once today because I went out without my lemonade mixture. Never again. When I get hungry I sip my lemonade mixture. It works for me. I also remember why I am doing it.


I have lost 8 pounds mostly water I think. All is well with six days to go without food. Yes, and I am cooking for my husband. More on day 10.


Until next time

Honor yourself!

2 thoughts on “Master Cleanse Day 4”

  1. Hi Jim, I did finish the 10 day cleanse. I have gone for 14 days but not this time.
    I had a wedding coming up and I had to get it done. Let me know when you do
    it, I want to be your biggest fan.

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