Make Some Good Memories

Make some good memories! It is not until people close to me die, and are no longer here, that I really understand the joy and the absolute necessity of making good memories and storing them away to relive later.

As I am loading the dishwasher, I remember a dish Roni my daughter prepared, and what a good cook she was. I learned a lesson from that memory. I will ask for copies of good recipes. 

We traveled together often and those memories are my salvation during weak times when I miss her so much I can barely catch my breath.

Ronnie my husband, and I made great memories as well. As I passed through time, and the sadness faded with the memory of how sick he was before he died, the joyful memories came flooding in. They are precious.

It is so important to make good memories with good friends, because one day those memories may soothe you.

There are times memories can also be a curse. They can make you sick. They can make you rejoice. They can make you hate and love. Once a memory is sealed with emotion it is difficult to rid yourself of it. 

How is that done?  How can you get rid of painful and bad thoughts?  

You must detach the emotion from the thought.  To learn more about how it’s done read Tips for letting go. 

What stirs a memory

  • Food
  • Music
  • Photographs
  • Furniture
  • Flowers
  • Weather
  • Animals
  • Scents
  • Any object

Anything and everything can bring a memory up from our subconscious.

When I think about the Covid pandemic, I think of it passing in a flash. I traveled to Oregon, my grandson’s wedding in Texas, and to Hawaii for 10 days.

I also visited my sister in Florida for a month. For some, it was depression, anger, and illness. I don’t think I let the fear get to me. I was cautious, not fearful. I continued to make some good memories that I hold close to me.

Forgiveness and memory go hand in hand. If someone has done you an injustice, and it comes up with strong feelings, (emotions), you have not forgiven the person. Likewise, when the emotion is gone, the memory and pain will begin to fade, and peace will replace those negative emotions. 

I am taking Spanish. I need a superhuman memory to get by. Consequently, I am not doing so badly. Muncie, my teacher told me to use a technique called muscle memory. Desperate, I decided to try it. I look and sound weird when I practice it, but I declare it works. 

It goes like this, say the word you want to remember and raise your arm, leg, or foot. An example is, raising your arm and saying hola, and lowering your arm and saying hello.  Do you get the idea? Do this several times, and move on to the next word.

I can do this when walking. As I put my foot down say the word and again with the next step or so on. I think this is why I remembered songs when I was dancing.  I was moving and singing the words. 

Cling to good memories, and work to decrease the bad ones. When the bad ones pop up and they will learn how to make those memories slide through you, without lingering and without a reaction. How powerful is that? 

Make some good memories and capture them in your heart to recall later!

Honor yourself!

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