The Art of Intention Setting: Creating the Life You Want

My intentions are different from my goals and always have been. My goals seem to get accomplished about 25 percent of the time and my intentions are completed nearly 75 percent of the time.

Let me go back in memory a bit. I have been struggling with goals for the last two years. Should I go all in for this or am I too old? My age is coming into the mix like never before. This is a new poser for me. Is it because I have not been to this age before? LOL.

My first rationalizing thoughts are these:

  • I am not young enough to go to medical school (this is not a desire) so starting and intending to finish would not be a good use of my time unless it was a strong desire. The idea is to choose wisely and timely.
  • If I don’t do what my intention is, how will I feel five years from now? That is an interesting and soul-stirring question.
  • Intentions to eat healthily, walk more, draw more, swim more, and meditate daily cause no justification. Justification to whom? To me, of course. Why? Because these foolish ideas (being old) are planted into my head by society in general.
  • I have always been an entrepreneur and unemployable, therefore, is my intention to start a new venture outlandish? Ouch! This is the nerve of it. It was ok when I was 20 years younger and not reasonable now?

My time is so precious and, I abhor not using it well. Yet, I can’t overthink it as I have done this past year.

Writing my thoughts on paper has added clarity and determination to my actions going forward.

Lately, I am reading my favorite poet Rumi. He said this:

“Start a huge, foolish project, like Noel…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.”

I love, love, and adore that quote! It gets to the heart of everything. He also said this:

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?”

These quotes stir good feelings for me in my being and make my cells sing and dance. They give me a direction for my thoughts, and intentions to flow. I choose to be optimistic and confident.

Writing this has given clarity for my path forward, and hopefully, it has offered you transparency into a personal challenge you may have.

When I am unclear of who I am, it means I have lost focus of my true being, and there is something I am not doing for myself.

When I refocus and begin anew the things that make me great, I am well on my way to following intentions and joy for me, and all I touch.

Do you intend to get a cup of coffee or is your goal to get a cup of coffee? What works for you?

Honor yourself!

Diana Raab Ph.D. says setting intentions can help us understand our life’s bigger picture.

Check out what she says below:

Self-Awareness and Setting Intentions


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