How I Forgive Easily


For many years I have forgiven easily and effortlessly everyone who has hurt me.  I forgive myself as readily as I forgive others.

I have often wondered how I forgave so easily and could not verbalize it for others to try, that is, until recently, when I found myself doing it.

When we have an experience, we create an emotion, good or bad.  All emotions are energy.  Therefore, if we place our attention where we place our energy as we do when someone has hurt us the stronger the emotion becomes.

We are giving that situation or that person our energy.  Not good.

I want to get to a place of love and forgiveness because I want my energy to go toward joy and kindness and gratitude.

This is my process:

I sit quietly and close my eyes.  I bring the incident of pain into memory and place it into my heart.  The full of it.  I let it rest there for a moment.  Sometimes I weep and sometimes I smile.

After holding this pain in my heart for a few minutes I see my heart opening and the pain, frustration, anger, fury and maybe rage flow out.  Sometimes like a river and other times like a puff of smoke.

I rest for a moment with an open heart and let some goodness and gratitude into my being.  I take several deep breaths and check how I am feeling.

It is all about how my body feels.  If I am feeling calm, joyful and loved the process is complete.  If not, I repeat this process again another time.

There are times I am on a natural high after following this process.  Amazing!

“When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.” –Nelson Mandela

It works for me.  Try it.  Do not allow anyone to steal your joy.  Forgive them now and forgive yourself too.

Honor yourself!

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