Find Your Place To Talk Freely

Find A Place To Talk Freely

First, one has to feel safe to speak openly from the heart and expose themselves totally. I am an open person and there have been times and places that I will not open up and speak freely because the environment I am in is not conducive to speaking my feelings.


The key to expressing ourselves verbally is being in a safe place with people who truly listen to what we have to say. We are not always looking for answers, we are looking for expression.


Talking in a safe place about what is on your mind helps you put things into the proper order. Things that seem overwhelming can become minimized by talking about the challenge to an outside person without emotional attachment to the issue who truly listens to us is extremely healthy.


It is interesting that our thoughts lead to our feelings and most times our feelings lead to behavior good or not. If you are having negative thoughts you can flip them in an instant by talking openly about them without condemnation from the listener.


Hermann Hesse says, “Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.”

The point I am making is when you put your thoughts out there in the open you can find clarity and peace as well. Opening up and talking freely is like letting pent up emotions flow out and is replaced by a serene calmness. It can be quite a wonderful experience.


Let’s face facts. Do you agree that is so much easier to talk about happy times and events than difficult and challenging times? When you realize there is nothing new under the sun, and you begin to talk about what is going on in your life you realize you no longer have to face setbacks in the lonely oneness of your mind.


Being a good talker is good but being a good listener is Great. I am sure there have been times in your life when you were not able to talk. You just wanted to figure out the situation in your head, because you feel stuck.


These are times when not talking about what is on your mind may be emotionally healthy. The time will come when you want to express your feelings verbally and only you will know when the time is right. If you find yourself in this situation listening to others can be very helpful and give you valuable insight into your own issues.


If exercising is good to release stress, so is talking to release your fears.  Having someone to share your joys and happy times is a big stress buster. Let others celebrate with you.


Finally talking to another person about what is going on in our lives (good and bad) is a basic need. Some of us drift alone in our lives fearful and feeling alone. Some of us fear we will not be accepted because of our differences and the multitude of things that make us unique. What better way to understand others different from us than to listen intently to their lives through their eyes?


I don’t know how you feel about this but I am on a natural high with anticipation of the myriad of wonderful sisters I can meet and learn from this journey.


How about you?

Honor yourself

Written by: Harriette Blye

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