Your Difficult Times Will End

photo (31)We can learn a lot from nature as it relate to our lives. Before I get on with what I have to say let me recognize that everyone on this planet have their challenges that is unique to them and present a hardship for them to bear and grow from. Yes, I did say to grow from.

The following story is true as it happened to me recently and though somewhat terrifying the life lessons were all around me and oh, how I learned and recognized the event for what it was.

My husband, daughter and I were traveling from the Dallas, Texas area to Seattle, Washington by car. Unlike most folks we love and adore these cross country treks. We look forward to the adventure and what these trips will bring into our reality. Mostly, we look forward to what we will learn and how those lessons will impact our life. We sometime look for these life lessons from people we meet on our journey and our interaction with them. Occasionally, we get our greatest lessons from nature as we did on this trip.

I remember driving that morning for about 5-6 hours and was due for a break. After we stopped for a fill up and some refreshments my daughter took over and delegated me to the back seat. I did not do what some back seat drivers do which is give advice, I took a nap. When I woke up we were travelling on interstate 25 just north of Wheatland, Wyoming.

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I commented that this is such a magnificent country. I text this to a few friends as well. I then noticed the clouds, grey and so unusual. I thought rain… I noticed a couple cruising by on a motor cycle and commented to my family that they were towing a tent and how sharp they looked. Dressed out and matching with helmets, leather leggings and jackets that matched their Harley and tent they were towing. I also commented that they could get drenched by the rain.

So… they passed us and I did observe them way up the road. Back to the clouds… I took a couple of pictures of the clouds and commented again because the clouds were turning black and getting ragged around the lower edges. I commented that the clouds look like black tornado clouds.

Immediately after making this statement I get an emergency alert on my phone. What! I say. I read to my family, tornado warning in this area till 2:30 PM MST. Take shelter now. We check our surroundings and there is no place to take shelter. We and a few drivers are in the open and ready to be picked off for heavens only knows what.

Immediately, we heard what sounded like someone had thrown a rock at our car, seconds later rain and hail started with abandon along with thunder and lightening and we were stuck with indecision. Should we stop, should we go, if we go where do we go, there is no cover. The hail was of varying sizes. Marble size to larger than golf ball sizes. It was very scary… and at this point we knew we had no control.

We stopped for a few seconds… and decided to continue driving, to drive out of the hail storm and seek shelter. At this point our windshield gave in to the huge hail balls. It cracked in a circle on the passenger side and then a single line across to the drivers side. There were multiple dents in my hood, deck lid, top of the car and doors.

As we drove the hail gave way to torrential rain with thunder and lightening.

When we finally came to an overpass about 7-8 minutes later there was no space to hang out. We moved on to another over pass a few miles along. The hail had stopped and the rain subsided to a drizzle.

The black clouds were in our rear window and the sun was peaking through. I thought, all of that and now sunshine. What do I make of this experience?

The lesson.

My first thought after this drama was… this is how life goes. When trouble comes your way, keep moving, keep going, do not stop because no matter what it is or how devastating and painful a turn your troubles take remember, it will pass and the sun will shine again.

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I looked at the windshield and thought, this is amazing. At the next town we ran into a man who owned a glass shop and he assured us we would be safe to drive the car to our destination where we could get the glass and the dings and dents repaired.

I admit, I was fearful of the window crashing in and my family not being safe. To my daughters credit, she was an extremely cool driver under pressure. I was impressed!

Lessons come to each of us in so many ways. Always look for them and the lessons will move you forward to a solution and a better place in your mind emotionally, physically and financially too.

Honor yourself.

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