Our Dallas Meeting
Our first Dallas meeting was a big success. We decided to have the meeting at a local eatery in Plano, TX.
The meeting was sponsored by (4) local business owners. Sim & Natalie Green, Landa Miller and Harriette Blye.
Our very own Karl Bessey surprised us with an online Skype visit and chat. Thank you Karl for opening our meeting with a big bang.
Our group watched a bit of the “Conspiracy Against Your Money DVD” It is a mesmerizing and educational DVD.
Find out the real deal about your money and what is happening to it.
Being ignorant about your money is dangerous and scary in this environment!
After that we had the honor of watching a PowerPoint presentation by M-3 master consultant and marketer Sim Green who did a spectacular job explaining our dynamic product line and how it helps folks get out of debt, make money, preserve their money and finally how to make their money grow. A huge applause to Sim Green who really delivered an outstanding presentation.
The response to the presentation was very receptive with several new excited business builders.
We look forward to getting them started with WMI and having more meetings locally in the Dallas area.
Natalie Green was our host, Harriette Blye and Landa Miller shared their stories/their why they became members of this wealth building organization.
Send me an email if you are in the Dallas area or passing thru. I would love to meet you.
Honor yourself!