Do You Want Results, Try This Sure Fire Plan

Will you get the desired results you want from your project or goal or will it fizzle out and die in an exhausted heap?

I recently started making cold calls again.  Naturally, I was excited and I started out like a tornado like most of us do when starting a new project.    I made 77 plus dials my first day and vowed to make 100 dials the next day and 150 the day after that.


I was to be this super dialer and super cold caller.   Well need I say more?  Like a tornado I started out fierce and powerful and full of energy…but I soon fizzled out in my first few days.


How do you start a new project?  It doesn’t matter what it is.  It could be going back to college after being out of school for 25 years.  Do you take a full load or do you take one or two classes to begin?   Maybe you desire to loose 50 pounds, get in shape, get your health back or any goal you may have.  The way you begin your project will determine how your project will end.


I remember when I was learning to play the piano as an adult.  At that time I was very busy.  I owned a brick and mortar business with over 50 employees and my time was limited.  I would practice for an hour before my lesson.  My performance was dismal.


My teacher informed me that it is more productive to practice 15 minutes a day rather than an hour  before my piano lesson.  She was correct.  I tried it and it worked.  If you have something you want to learn and a task to do try doing it in 15 minute increments.  We all can find an extra 15 minutes in a day.


There is only one way to be successful with your projects and goals and it is to begin in a slow and strategic manner.  Let’s use the example most of us understand, losing weight.   Why not change your eating habits slowly rather than a flash in the pan quick diet?


If you drink three soft drinks daily, cut down to 2 a day for the first few days then down to 1 a day after that.  After you are successful  consider walking for 15 minutes increments for a week then increase to 20 minutes the next week and on to 30 minutes after one month.  You get the point?


This gradual build up increase the odds of your successful long term weight loss goal being permanent. To begin by walking an hour when you perhaps have not walked 5 minutes in the past 10 years is unrealistic but this is exactly what some folks do.  As I think about it, everything I have had success at, I did in steady increments that increased over time.


Don’t be a flash in the pan.  Think long term.


Set your goal, set your plan, slowly but surely get started and build momentum.  It works.


It is the steady consistent action that takes you where you want to go.  When roadblocks come up and they will, it is called life, make adjustments and keep going.


Confucius says, “ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust goals, adjust the action steps.”


Back to my cold calling.  Now that I have set realistic goals, I am beginning to enjoy it as I once did.  This time around I started out slowly and I am gradually building up to my desired outcome.


Go easy on yourself and give yourself some love. Try this tactic with your next project.


Honor Yourself!

Image: Danilo Rizzuti /

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