

How do you see your life?  Do you see it as a series of misfortunes, or as a steady stream of gifts?


As I look over my life by decades, and by day-to-day living, I see an abundance of gifts.  Too many to begin counting.


I  understand that caring for my ailing mother, and sick husband were gifts although,  it took years to come to terms with it.


It was a pleasure to care for mom, who showed me how to be a gentle old lady, and being sick does not equate to being unkind.


The gift of having Roni, my daughter in my life for 36 years. What lessons can I learn from missing this child of mine?  What gifts are there in her absence?  Is heartbreak a gift?


The gift of seeing my husband and my daughter take their last breath gave me the enormous gift of confidence that I too, could die well with dignity and without fear.  Yes, if they can do it I can do it.


The copycat gift!

There are no words to express my gratitude for the gift of unconditional love given to me by my daughters and grandchildren.  

I appreciate my sisters who are always for me and keep me on the straight and narrow and in focus always.  

The gift from my mother who cared for me thru diphtheria, and clothed and fed me, going without necessities herself.  The gift of her strength has seen me through multiple challenges.  The gift of my father’s intellect continues to give me insight.


I appreciate the gift of my adversities and plights through life because, on the other side of hardships, I found wisdom, love, and peace.


I especially value the gift of friends who hold my hand near and from a distance, with their loving thoughts.


The gift to me of prosperity and deprivation.  If I had not known the difference, life would be less jubilant.


It has been a true present to learn how not to worry, and how to concentrate on what I want to occur, and not what I don’t want to happen.


The difference between love in my mind, and hate in my heart.  I know hate eats away at the core of the human spirit.


An honorable gift of having a conversation with myself.  Asking questions of myself like, “Do I need this,” or “do I want this?”  To ask myself when adversity or good fortune enters my life, “what lesson can I learn from this?”


The gift of meditation is to rest my burdens with God, and leave them with the holy spirit to be resolved without my interference, and when prayers are left in meditation my fondest dreams come true.


They are my secret treasures, and I am letting you in on some of them. 


I can mention my breath, my garden, my pain, the sun, the moon, rain, trees, oceans, and on and on.

Writing this short article has made me realize how truly blessed I am. I think my gifts go into infinity as a count.  I am pleased I have a grasp on this.


I understand the wonderful gifts I receive every day, and the choice I have with how to use them.


How sad I feel for those who don’t recognize the gifts they are given.  The lesson I have learned from my gifts,  there is no amount of money that can pay for them.


I pray I have given to others many gifts as well.


“There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go.” ― Frederick William Faber


I hope I am one of those souls.


Honor Yourself!

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