Time, What Is It?

As I look in the mirror this morning, I ask, Why is my mother starring back at me?  My head back, mouth open, I enjoy a full belly laugh.  I think, how have I passed through time to become my mother?


As my thoughts thread work, I think about other similarities I have in common with mama that passing through time has revealed.


  • My body build, hmmm…I wonder about that one.
  • Her words flowing from my lips, now that is downright scary.
  • Some of her diseases. Take them back!
  • Her foods choices, now that is weird, really.
  • Her independence. That’s me.
  • Her big disability to ask for what she needed. I want to lose that trait fast.  It has caused me untold pain.
  • Her steadiness. Yes, I like this one.
  • Her love for humanity. She always asked, when are we going to love one another?  I answered, never, mom.  Now I ask the same question!

These are a few of her traits I have grown into by passing thru time.

I steadfastly believe time does not move, we move, we change, we pass through it.


“Time is an illusion” Albert Einstein


Why do I believe this?  Time is still the same after we are gone.  I remember when I lost my daughter and  wondered how could the world keep moving when I am in so much pain? (Notice, the world is moving), not time.


When I am happy and see someone suffering, I wonder how they can be sad with so much goodness happening.  Should I stop and be sad or continue traveling through time being happy.  Can I pause and do both?


Goodness is happening to me along my timeline, not theirs.   They are moving through their life as I am through mine.  Traveling along your path, up and down hills and valleys and around sharp curves you move.  Time stands still.


To further my point; in 45 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered the first calendar consisting of twelve months based on a solar year.


This calendar employed a cycle of three years of 365 days, followed by a year of 366 days (leap year).  When first implemented, the “Julian Calendar” also moved the beginning of the year from March 1 to January 1.


Calendars are man-made.  Is time man made?  Anything made by man can be changed, destroyed or put aside.  More food for thought.


Can man manipulate time?  NO!


As I always end my conversations about time, I think of life as a reminder to enjoy the moment, twist it, love it, defy it because one day you will pass to the end.  Time will remain, you will not.


Honor Yourself!

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