Who Needs Friends Like You

Who Needs Friends Like You


No, no, no, I don’t mean you!


Your friends, acquaintances, and those you meet daily come into your life to teach you lessons or learn valuable lessons from you.  That being said, they are not always meant to stay. You must accept this and allow them to slip away.


Some come in, stay a while, go and come back as if they never left. For me there are people I haven’t seen for many years, we meet again, and it is as if time stood still. We pick up where we left off.   I love that.


With the pandemic upon us and the human strife coming to light because of police brutality on black people in our country, this may be a good time to evaluate friendships that no longer serve you and people whose value systems are so different from your own.


“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.”
– Arnold H. Glasgow


Recently, I made the decision to let a friend slip away because our value system over money was totally different.  I grieved over it for a while and soon realized that she held grudges and that is equally not acceptable to me.  I allowed her to slip away and I have no regrets about it.


I met a lady (Flo) at the gym and we became fast friends.  I was new to the area and caring for my husband who had Alzheimer’s.  I needed a friend.  We telephoned each other, had coffee a few times at a local coffee shop and I had lunch at her home once.  And then…she stopped answering my calls or texts.  I couldn’t understand it.  I concluded she came into my life when I needed a friend and now, she is gone.  I wrote her a lovely note and I let her slip away.


Check the points below and decide if it is time for you to take a measure of a relationship.


1.     Is this relationship nurturing me?

2.    How much support am I giving to this person?

3.    Do this person and I have the same views on important issues?  You may choose a friend who stimulates you and make you think about different points of view, however, conflict does not improve understanding, harmony, and unity.

4.    Is it time for me to allow this relationship to slip away?


What kind of people do you want in your life?  If you have friends who are not kind, caring and encouraging it may be time to evaluate your relationships.


Honor yourself!

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