Do It Now

Do it now or else, what?

You have to read the entire article to find out, what. This is because there are so many questions you must ask yourself. When you answer or shall I say confess the answer to yourself, another question comes up and then another.

Let me explain.

During your life, there are many things you maybe passionate about learning, teaching, acquiring and being.  Most of the things we give considerable thought to and as we pass through time the idea or dream goes as well.  Maybe you try an idea and get waylaid, shot down, run into an obstacle or life happens.  Click here and check out this article.

There are times as well when you may not know when or how to begin.  The task could seem monumental.

Here are some ideas to ponder over:

If you are middle age or older understand you now must pick and choose what is important to add to your life and what you want to become mastery of.   If you are young, decide what is important to you and what if anything you want to become mastery of. Fill your heart with ideas and dreams to propel you forward.

Here are some tips on how to start?

  • Hire a teacher, coach, and expert because there are times when a book or a video is not through or fast enough.
  • Hire help to facilitate tasks like writing, building a blog, posting online, running errands or cleaning your house.
  • Join groups, local and online in your area of interest.
  • Your local library or online library has a system called Lynda.  This is a subsidiary of Linkedin and it has hundreds of lessons available.  You only need a library card to access this wealth of expertise.
  • Get good advice and sort it out.
  • Write your ideas down as they come to you.  I use a journal that I can expound on my ideas, doodle, and draw.
  • Read books on the subject, watch videos, purchase online training programs and hire a coach.


  Put a good system in place to accomplish your goals.

  • Having goals is a starting point.  Without a system or guide to reach your goals you will go nowhere.’
  • Develop a plan.  If you want to lose 20 pounds, how will you do it?  Will, you eat less, how much less? Will you eat low carb, or fast? Will you go to the gym, will you hire a coach, how many times will you go to the gym each week.  Do you have health issues that could interfere with your weight loss plan, when will you see your doctor?  Can you see why having a system in place is so important?
  • Having a plan or system is your way to a successful end, this is a necessity.

When your project appears overwhelming, my best advice is to start.  Take small steps including small time increments.  If necessary, work for half-hour and play for half-hour then back to work again.  Soon you will find yourself working in longer time frames.  This works, I do it often.  Remember to reward yourself for small and big accomplishments.

Do not allow fear to hold you back.  Think about why you are afraid and work through the anxiety.

Most of us are apprehensive when starting a new project.  It is your brain telling you it is not familiar with this new endeavor.  Think about the outcome you will have as a result of this plan is successful.  Your brain does not know the difference between mental practice and the real thing.

Without doing the mental work you could have many challenges.  This means you have to correct the course and move ahead.  With mental work, however, you will get in the zone and magic happens.  Do mental work and enjoy this phenomenon.

At the beginning of this article I made the comment, “do it now, or else,” well, the or else is, you will most definitely, surely, certainly run out of time and you may have so many regrets at the end of your life of things you did not attempt because…

Honor yourself!

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