It is Time to Create Your True Legacy


Legacy, really? You may think, I do not have tens of thousands of dollars to leave (when I pass) to my loved ones, family, and friends.  You can leave something behind as important and can in some instances be more important to your loved ones.

What can that be?

It is the essence of who you truly were.  It is what people you leave behind think about when they remember you.  It is the feelings they express when they talk about you. This is serious stuff!

Will you be remembered as selfish, a gossiper, stingy, unkind, miserable, arrogant, intolerant, vulgar and lacking character to name a few negative adjectives to describe people. Give some thought now while you are alive about how your daily actions affect other people.  I promise your every action leaves an impression on the other person.

You can make a decision to be affectionate, compassionate, considerate, loving, kind, generous, happy, courteous, empathetic, reliable and sympathetic to mention a scant few good qualities a person can process.

This is something you cannot fake.  All of us process many superior qualities and some not so good ones as well.  None of us are perfect.  This being said, now, is the time to focus on your fine character points and strive to improve them whenever you can.  Think less about your faults and do your utmost to minimize them as often as you catch them interfering with your daily life.

If someone you know has passed recently, think about how you feel about them.  If your feelings are warm and comforting, those feelings will support you in the future as you go through the grieving process, yes you will grieve if they were kind and loving people.

Those feelings can encourage you to emulate that person.  What a legacy to leave behind if someone admires you so much and want to have some of your good qualities.

What are your views on some good or bad qualities someone you know left behind?

Make some good memories.

Please join the discussion.

Honor yourself!





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