Honor Your Intuition

I like the definition of intuition.  It goes like this: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. I especially appreciate the part that says, “without the need for conscious reasoning.”  It is being convinced about a thing without knowing or understanding why you feel that way.  Or is it why you know that way is the right way?

Fortunately for us all, our intuition will scream, the correct answer for all life situations.  If only we pay attention.

We all remember when we had a gut feeling and did not listen to it. Things did not end well, did they?  It could be something as small as making a right turn when driving instead of the left turn we feel we should make or, as serious as marrying the wrong person.  Those intuitive feelings come and they can be ignored with consequences.

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Anonymous

One significant challenge is you are not trained to listen to your intuition.  How can you change that?  How can you have in confidence that little nagging feeling or that big upset in your body that will not go away?

·        Start by trusting the small feelings and nudgings as they happen and see the end result.

·         If you are looking for answers, ask in prayer or meditation.  Wait for the answer.  Be patient, and expect it to come.  Answers will come in the most remarkable ways.  They may come while watching television, or taking a shower.  The answer may pop into your head while you are driving.  When the answer comes to you, act upon it.  It is the correct thing for you.

·        Study your unconscious mind and your higher spiritual guide.  Have internal conversations.  Start by reading books and articles.  Dive in or start small.  Do the right thing for you. Having faith in something you cannot see can be difficult.  Become skilled at trusting the feeling in your heart and your body.

As you become aware of that soundless voice and feelings in your body, the more empowered you become, the stronger you are and a happier person you develop into.  Do not discount those feelings as silly or unimportant because your divine is speaking to you; it is your guide.  Follow it.

Please help others understand their intuition by submitting a piece on how listening to your inner voice and feelings has saved the day for you.

Honor Yourself!   Intuition, honor, faith  #riseto joy, #intuition, #faith, #trust

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