6 Tips To Keep Relationships Going Strong

In this article, relationship refers to the way in which two or more people behave toward each other. Not romantic relationships but family, friends, and co-workers.
There are many elements involved in having good and rewarding relationships with others. 
Let’s get started.

Do Not Be Judgmental

Give others the freedom to be who they are. 
You don’t have to approve of the choices your family or friends make. It is wise to let them know how you feel in a non-judgemental and kind way. 
Let them know you will be there for them if their decisions don’t work out as planned. As a matter of fact, if you can’t be there when things go wrong it’s good to say that in a kind way too. 
It is insightful on your part to stay out of personal details if you can’t support them. 

Maintain Open Communication

Be approachable and make it easy for others to talk with you.
Listen and repeat what is said if needed. Let them know they can tell you anything. When you are confided in, it stays with you. 
Secrets are so unhealthy. Let family and friends feel free to talk about disappointments and expectations. 
Additionally, honesty is essential. Be sensitive and discreet.
How fine is having someone you can open up to? Are you that person for someone?

Forgive and Seek Forgiveness

Forgive yourself first for everything, every day. 
We all make mistakes and say things we regret. Spoken words cannot be unsaid. 
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Truly forgive others if you are offended, and ask for forgiveness if you offend someone too.
I have two sisters, and if they are hurt by something I say or do not say, I always ask for their forgiveness, even if I didn’t say what they thought I said. (Does that make sense?) Why do I do this? Because it’s important for me to get along with my sisters. I need them and I am not whole without them.
Yes, once you ask for forgiveness, the pressure is off!

Put Time In

Time does not need to be shared in person. You can have coffee on zoom, text, call or email. The main point here is to keep in touch! 
Let the other person know you think about them. That is what it means when you communicate in any way. The thought comes first does it not? Be available and show up for each other.

Respect and Honor Each Other

Respect is a broad term. If this person is someone you disagree with and can’t avoid, find something about them you can agree with and cling to that. It works! 
You can keep a low profile around them to avoid conflict and disturbance to your peace of mind.
Let others know you love, honor, trust, and support them. Remember, you cannot make it in this world by yourself. We need each other!

Check Yourself Out

Do you have relationships in need of repair? If you have a good relationship how are you showing up? If you have one in need of work, how are you being with that person? 
These are important questions to answer. Are you prideful, fearful, and full of anger? Check out your role in your relationships.
Be vulnerable. It is extremely difficult to be authentic when you think the pressure is always on you to be strong.
We need to build and preserve a strong support network, with nurturing and a sense of belonging. 
With that in mind, don’t be a no-show when you are needed. 
Honor Yourself!

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* You have the power to choose, choose kind and warm relationships.

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