Ronda in Olympia nat'l park

3 Big Reasons To Get Outdoors

Ronda in Olympia nat'l park

Look at your surroundings. Where are you, what do you see and what do you feel? Take a deep breath and relax your shoulders. Feel better? Being exposed to the outdoors is much more rewarding.


I am most grateful to live in the Northwest. It has green space, and mountains and there is the Pacific Ocean. We have the only rain Forest on this continent. If you are in the area take some time and explore it. 

There are so many choices for exposure to the outdoors. It doesn’t matter if you live in the southwest, the coastlines, or the northeast. Getting outdoors is possible and has many benefits. 

Restores Mental Clarity

Our world contains loads of intrusive stimuli. Computer screens, vibrating cell phones, families’ obligations, and unwanted thoughts.  Have you had an unresolved problem or concern, taken a walk, and felt better?  Spend some time outdoors to clear your mind. Being outdoors has been linked to increased levels of concentration, creativity, and yes improved mental clarity.

Improved Health 

Most of us are under some stress, and may not realize it. Walking outdoors, hiking, running, sitting, and relaxing near the ocean, mountains, on a trail in the forest, or a park near your home has been shown to minimize stress.

Exposure to nature will improve your health and well-being with a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, anxiety level, relaxed muscle tension, and a better mood.

Multiple studies have shown when you are not under stress your immune system improves, and you are more resistant to disease—a big bonus.

Increased Vitamin D levels

Spending time in the sun helps your body create Vitamin D. Studies have proven that increased levels of vitamin D can prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease. That is enough reason to get outside.

‘‘Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy.’’ John Muir

Another way to be exposed to nature is gardening, rain, or ocean waves. Do you find working in your garden, digging in the dirt relaxing, calming, and serene? Do you sleep soundly when there is a thunderstorm, or the sound of waves crashing against the shore? That is nature and its profound effect on how we respond to it and how much we need it.

Consider adding plants to your office and home. Please spend some time tending, to and reflecting on them. 

If you are disabled or ill, it is essential to get outdoors, and in the sun if possible. The sun and the outdoors are restorative. 

When engaging in nature, leave your phone in your pocket. Listen for the sounds, and smell the scents riding on the air. Touch and examine a leaf, or a flower blossom. Never forget to hug a tree and pick up its energy from mother earth. Leave your worries with that old living soul.

Honor yourself!

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